What are the scholarship requirements? - Each scholarship will have a description of its specific requirements and award criteria. Applicants may apply for any award that they are eligible for and meet the criteria for.

Who is Eligible - Any graduating senior who goes to high school at Wood Memorial High School (East Gibson, Indiana) is eligible to participate in the East Gibson Dollars for Scholars® program. Awards are for full-time students at an accredited 2 or 4-year college/university or a program of vocational training. Award criteria are based on a combination of need, academic record and the demonstrated ability to succeed and complete their chosen post-high school education.

How to Apply - Students must complete a single common application form online by the appropriate deadline and meet all subsequent deadlines. In doing so, students become eligible for the many local awards offered by East Gibson Dollars for Scholars as well as awards offered by Scholarship America® nationally.

How are award recipients selected? - East Gibson Dollars for Scholars offers two kinds of awards. The first are named awards given by a local business, organization or individual. Those awards generally have their own recipient guidelines. The second group of awards are scholarships that East Gibson Dollars for Scholars administers directly. In both cases, the Awards Committee reviews anonymous information about each applicant and scores applications according to a standard set of guidelines. Awards recipients are then selected and invited to an awards ceremony in the spring before graduation.

Scholarship Forms - The East Gibson Dollars for Scholars application and instructions for current scholarships are available. For questions, please contact Wood Memorial guidance counselor.